TCF s.r.l. TCF

The Eurovent Certification

ZAE series

29 May 2014 2025-03-09 Company 0 comment
From 2009 the ZAE range of air-handling units has obtained the Eurovent Certification, as a proof of TCF constant search for new solutions, always up-to-date to the latest market requirements.

Starting from the experience matured in years with the Air Handling Units of the ZAE series, we have developed a specific series named ZAE which has been certified according to the criteria indicated by the Eurovent international certification program.

Such criteria are based upon the prescriptions of the European Norm UNI EN 1886: such norm specifies the testing methods, the testing requirements and the classifications for air-handling units which supply and/or extract the air by means of ducts, for ventilation/air-conditioning of a whole building or parts thereof. The testing methods and the requirements are applied to both the complete unit and to separate sections, except from the thermal and acoustic properties of the casing (for which the specific norm applies: the testing methods may be used to compare different constructions but not to calculate the thermal losses through the casing or the risk of condensation or to supply precise acoustic data).

The norm considers the following fundamental points, and it consequently indicates:

  • The mechanical resistance of the casing (the testing conditions of mechanical resistance of the casing of the units proposing a classification according to the maximum flexion per  meter of length)

  • The air leakage of the casing (the testing conditions of air leakage of the casing of the units proposing a classification according to two separate conditions: casing in negative pressure (-400 Pa) and casing in positive pressure (+700 Pa).

  • The by-pass of the filters (the methods of testing the by-pass of the air around the filtering cells at the testing pressure of 400 Pa).

  • The thermal performances of the casing (the testing methods and classification of the thermal conductivity of the air handling unit. The thermal conductivity value “U” is conditioned by the thickness of the panel and by the insulating material it is made of).

  • The acoustic insulation of the casing (the testing methods of casing insertion loss _that is the isolation of the acoustic pressure_ measured in octave bands from 125Hz to 8000Hz)

In the air handling units market the certifications, and in particular the Eurovent certification, once requested only seldom, are more and more required in the design phase, in order to comply with the new National and International requirements for energy saving.  By choosing a product with the Eurovent label, the designer is sure to rely on a product designed and manufactured respecting the European norms with the performances of the various elements (fans, heat exchangers, silencers etc.) guaranteed and certified. TCF has submitted its ZAE range of air-handling units to the controls of the prestigious and demanding  Eurovent criteria, whose tests on the model boxes are performed at the TUV laboratories in Germany, a san additional guarantee of a total independence of judgement and evaluation, in order to be able to offer the customers a product which responds unequivocally to the requests of an everyday more demanding market.

In 2013 also the new series of air-handling units ZASE (see the Products section for more details) has been certified by Eurovent with the highest levels in the certification classes T1 and TB1, as a new evidence of TCF constant struggle towards quality and elevate performances.

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