TCF s.r.l. TCF

Trade Fair Energetika

Celje, Slovenija

01 May 2012 2025-03-31 Company 0 comment
TCF is represented at this international Slovene exhibition.

TCF will be present at the 2012 edition of the important "Energetika" trade fair specifically dedicated to all the energy saving solutions and optimisation of the power consumptions, for what concerns either the air-conditioning, the ventilation and the heating technology. The exhibition takes place from May 15th to 18th 2012 in Celje, Slovenia, not far from the capital city Ljubljana.

The new TCF ranges of cross-flow heat recovery units, series URP and URPX with efficiencies up to 95%, fit well with the requirements of a market, such as the Slovene one is, always heading for energy recovery and consumption reduction. You may find more information at the stand of our local representatives Elprema d.o.o., n°19 in Hall K.

For more information on the exhibition in Celje please visit also the website

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