TCF s.r.l. TCF

Civil hospital San Salvatore

L'aquila, Italy

17 September 2017 2025-03-09 References 0 comment
An AHU system with heat recovery is present inside the main hospital of the Abruzzo capital.

Among the various systems frequently used for heat recovery inside the air treatment plants, the most used are the plate and rotary recovery units. However, in the hospital setting these are not recommended because, by their very nature and conformation, they cannot ensure perfect isolation of the two flows that cross, that of the expulsion air and that of the new air.

To overcome this problem, recovery systems with heat exchange batteries are often used, one present in the return section of the AHU and one in the delivery section, with a closed water circuit which, thanks to the latest optimizations made by the manufacturers of exchangers heat, they can guarantee recovery efficiencies of up to 60-65%.

A system of this type is the one chosen by the client for the AHUs installed at the San Salvatore dell'Aquila civil hospital, to ensure correct air exchange to the enslaved rooms and energy recovery, without the risk of contamination of the two flows of air involved. The AHU is completed by components such as fans equipped with speed variator, high class F7 and F9 filtration and additional heat exchange batteries for fine regulation of the temperature to be sent inside.

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