TCF s.r.l. TCF

Erbozeta Sintech

San Marino

03 April 2012 2025-03-09 References 0 comment
Special air-handling unit for pharmaceutical applications destined to delicate production processes.

Erbozeta is located in the Republic of San Marino and it has been busy for years with the production and sales of products dedicated to wellness, such as phytotherapic integrators, dietetic and cosmetic products. The company now has a new 3.000 sqm facility, equipped with the most modern production technologies, with elevate pharmaceutical quality standards.

Within its premises a customised AZ series air-handling unit from TCF is installed, specifically designed and equipped with bespoke components, such as plug fans with frequency inverters, dessiccant rotary wheel with combined humidity extract fan, cross-flow plate heat exchanger, water heat exchangers with upward internal connections, as well as complete control and power board for the management of humidity and temperature, particularly important for applications in the pharmaceutical sector.

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